Things You Didn’t Know About Queen Elizabeth II


The longest reigning monarch in British history, Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor II is possibly the most famous monarch in the world. The 93-year-old rules over the United Kingdom along with a 53-member Commonwealth. Here are 6 things you probably didn’t know about the Queen…


#1 The Queen doesn’t have a passport or driving license.

Despite visiting around 116 countries during her reign she’s never needed a passport. All UK passports are issued in her name; therefore she doesn’t have to own one herself, the same goes for her not needing a driving license.

#2 The Queen owns most swans in the UK.

Under English Law, the ruling monarch of the United Kingdom owns all unmarked mute swans in open water across the UK. However, the Queen only exercises this ownership across certain stretches and tributaries of the River Thames around Windsor.

 #3 She likes a drink, every day

According to various sources, the Queen quite enjoys a tipple. In fact it’s reported that she has a gin before lunch, wine with her meal, a dry martini plus a glass of champagne every evening. She really does live like royalty…


#4 Celebrates 2 birthdays every year

Queen Elizabeth’s real birthday is on 21st April, however the United Kingdom as a whole celebrates her ‘official’ birthday in June, coinciding with the Trooping of the Colour, a tradition that dates back to the 1700’s.


#5 Served during World War II

Although a princess at the time, Elizabeth was scheduled to be evacuated to Canada but wanted to remain in Britain. In 1944 she was 18 and demanded to be allowed to contribute towards the war effort. She joined the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service and trained as a truck drive and mechanic.


#6 Fluent in French.

The Queen has delivered a number of speeches in French whilst visiting; she is thought to have learnt French from an early age from her tutor, Marion Crawford. Various linguists have even commented on her wide range of vocabulary.

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LifestyleTim Byrne