Technology Platform Adzooma Helps Businesses Grow For Free
The Adzooma Team
Adzooma will be providing everyone, including existing customers, full free access to their platform until June 1st
In light of recent events, digital advertising platform Adzooma has taken it upon themselves to help businesses, digital agencies, and SMEs alike – by temporarily opening access to the full Adzooma platform for free.
As of March 2020, through to at least the start of June 2020, anyone who is using Google, Facebook, or Microsoft ads to promote their business or services, will be able to benefit from the time and cost efficiencies that Adzooma can provide, at no cost. This includes all existing clients, whose billing will be suspended during this time.
Adzooma, founded in 2015, uses AI-powered technology to provide unique optimisations, custom automation, and white-label reporting to save time and reduce wasted spend across the three major advertising platforms.
“All companies, across all industries, must come together to offer support in as many ways as they can“ said Director and co-founder Robert Wass. “The best way for Adzooma to do this, having analysed data from advertising spend across several countries, is to help businesses optimise and manage their accounts with peace of mind.”
For businesses who aren’t already operating online, Adzooma will allow them to introduce digital elements into their campaigns and advertise their products and services to new customers. For those who are, the platform will help to ease the load in the coming weeks, such as challenging financial pressures and the potential loss of earnings.
Moreover, the company is currently in talks with Microsoft to create a support system that will deliver advice, tips, and support through tools such as webinars. They will also approach their advertising partners Google and Facebook, amongst other close associates, to discuss a similar offering with the hope of inspiring and motivating others.
Other industries seem to have taken a similar approach – online body coach Joe Wicks hosted his first online PE class which had over 806k live views – proving that optimism within the digital community can help build a brighter, more prosperous future for all.
Director and co-founder David Sharpe, who worked with Wass to build the Adzooma platform to where it is today, added: “The last few weeks have been difficult for everyone, but we hope that in taking these positive steps, other businesses and individuals will pull together as a community to help each other. “The foundations we’re putting in place won’t only allow businesses to come out the other end with added confidence, but also with a vital online presence that won’t just stand them in good stead now, but in the future too – with or without Adzooma.”
Despite their efforts, the company realises they aren’t the only ones going out of their way or making an impact in the current climate. In a statement issued by Adzooma, the directors said: “Our gratefulness to doctors, nurses, police, fire, teachers and delivery drivers – everyone who is risking their own health and wellbeing and acting so selflessly under unprecedented circumstances – cannot be understated. We all owe them our wholehearted thanks and praise.”
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