Jeff Bezos And Brother Plan On Flying Into Space With Blue Origin


Amazon founder and rumoured richest person on earth Jeff Bezos has said he will fly to space with his brother on the first human flight launched by his space company, Blue Origin.

On Instagram Bezos said space flight was something he had wanted to do "all my life", this comes just a few fews after stepping down as Amazon’s CEO.

Blue Origin was founded in 2000 and plans to launch its passengers more than 100km (62 miles) above the Earth's surface, allowing them to experience microgravity. The six-berth capsule will then return to Earth using a parachute system. The company is also auctioning off a seat in the capsule for someone to join the Jeff and his brother Mark Bezos on the inaugural crewed flight, due to take off in Q4 of 2022.

The bidding for a seat on the New Shepard (name of the Blue Origin vehicle) had reached £2m when Mr Bezos announced his plan to take the flight. The auction finishes on 12 June.